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Google Ads

Google AdWords is a fantastic way to build your businesses brand and quickly let your potential customers find you online.

Getting an AdWords campaign going is pretty easy, however setting up a campaign that runs effectively, gives you a great return on investment and doesn’t waste your money is a whole new ball game.

Social Media

  • Economy
  • Premium
  • Business
  • First Class

Web Banner Advertising

  • Serve eye catching banner ads to people that have previously visited your website
  • Ads are served anywhere online, including high profile branded sites
  • Don’t get lost in the noise, keep your brand at the top
  • Stand out from the competition and be one step ahead
  • Ads are optimised for the best results using cost effective processes.
  • Monthly reports
  • Setup $300+ GST
  • $99 + GST P/M (monthly rolling)

Facebook Advertising

  • Target Facebook users in your catchment area
  • Target your ideal audience gender and age group
  • Gain Likes from genuine Facebook users
  • Your ads are displayed directly in their news feed
  • Full service includes ad creation with text and images
  • Ads are optimised for the best results using cost effective processes.
  • Monthly reports Setup $300+ GST, $99+ GST P/M